Birth of a Doula

Birth of a Doula

A brand new mother sat at home in her living room with her baby boy a couple of days after giving birth. She had done so much preparation leading up to her birth - she and her husband attended a childbirth class that focused on having the partner as coach to the laboring mother. Even so, she had hired a birth doula to support them both through the process. As part of her childbirth class she attended a breastfeeding support group to learn about feeding her baby once he arrived. She had her music picked out for her birth, lined up her photographer, and packed all the special items she wanted to bring with her to the birth center. 

Things didn’t go as planned. …

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Educating future parents at Red Hat to plan now for after baby arrives

I was excited to be back at the Red Hat Wellness Fair last month. The company invites a variety of businesses from the community to present their offerings to their employees. They do a good job, and I’m sure the employees appreciate it. Happy employees = more productive employees.

Here’s what was exciting about this year’s Wellness Fair. Missy and I talked with several pregnant and new parents wanting to learn about our offerings. There seems to be a bit of a baby boom this year. We also talked with quite a few women who have not yet started a family but wanted to learn about what kind of support we offered when they do. I love this!

Each week someone says to me, “I wish I knew about you when mine were babies.” So if these women who chatted with us at the fair learn about postpartum doula services now, before they’ve even conceived, imagine what great support they can have after a baby arrives. And it grows from there. They tell a friend or coworker who tells a friend or coworker and next thing you know more and more people are starting off parenthood with more ease, less stress and lots of joy!

If you know someone having a baby, tell them about postpartum doula services. Tell them to start now thinking about what they will need after baby arrives.